1. https://www.vendhq.com/images/hardware/vend_ipad.png [PAGE] => уже была
  2. http://is4.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple71/v4/ec/91/23/ec912303-7063-10f9-4475-3c7bfd2b4ca9/source/175x175bb.jpg [PAGE] => маленькая (175x175)
  3. https://www.vendhq.com/images/hardware/Star_SMD2-1317_White_Stacked_r.jpg [PAGE] => уже была
  4. http://is4.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple1/v4/0d/44/f2/0d44f253-05be-1d29-54aa-4a1942c8965a/source/175x175bb.jpg [PAGE] => маленькая (175x175)
  5. https://www.vendhq.com/images/landing_pages/counter-app/counter_logo.png [PAGE] => маленькая (183x216)
  6. http://vendhq.com/images/homepage/b/get-app.png [PAGE] =>
Vend POS iPhone | Sharp pos terminal up-v5500 series manual

Vend POS iPhone

Counter is a free app.

Does it integrate with my Sharp pos terminal up-v5500 series manual?

We don’t support direct integrations at this stage, but you can import CSV files into many business tools.

What can I do with my sent file?

You can import your counts into many business tools, or just use Excel to read your spreadsheets.

In Vend you can import your CSV files to create stock transfers, orders or returns, however we do not currently provide an import option for inventory counts (stocktakes).

My barcodes are not scanning!

Counter supports many common barcodes and datamatrix codes: UPCE, Code39, Code39Mod43, EAN13, EAN8, Code93, Code128, PDF417, AztecCode, Interleaved2of5Code, ITF14Code, DataMatrixCode.

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