Revel POS web orders

Revel offers its own platform for web ordering. This feature is available for purchase in addition to any monthly hosting fees and/or other monthly services. Please contact our sales representatives if you would like to explore the option to add web ordering to your Revel Sharp pos terminal up-v5500 series manual.
Once you have submitted payment for web ordering, the web ordering functionality will be enabled for you. Your sales rep or support member will then give you a URL that will link to the website, usually in the format of: where client URL is what clients use to log into the Management Console, and the number is the establishment it will be associated with. Please contact Revel Support if you would like to modify the content in the "About" section of your establishment.
Once the functionality is enabled, you will need to:
- Configure the settings pertaining to web orders
- Select which items you would want to include on the website in addition to any time constraints that you would like to enable for customers.
Web Ordering Settings
Web ordering settings can be configured in the Management Console under Settings > Online Ordering Settings.
Here, you can control the way your customers interact with your web ordering interface. Go through one by one and check any boxes and or fill in any fields that may apply to your particular business. If you have a question about a particular setting, hover your mouse over the question mark to populate the tip text containing the explanation for that particular setting, as shown in the image below. Once all desired settings have been checked and completed, scroll up and hit "Save".
Creating an Online Custom Menu
The second part of the setup will determine what and when products/items will be offered on your online menu/product list.