A common problem with a GPRS credit card terminal is the connection with a venue or location. Please use the following steps to ensure the card terminal is displaying the correct information on screen before attempting...
Price: 5.25 FREE UK delivery. May arrive after Christmas. Get it as soon as 23 - 30 Dec. when you choose Standard Delivery at checkout. Details above to make sure this fits. Approximate Dimensions: Width - 57mm...
We provide bulk address and postcode finding services including address cleaning and enrichment. We charge for our provisions. If you would like a demonstration of the solutions we offer, please use the facilities...
Vending machines offer faster service, a wider selection of products and 24/7 access. Today, cashless payment is transforming the vending industry, with consumers increasingly short on cash and long on electronic...
Enable your mobile ShopKeep Register for the future of payments with the Apple Pay-ready and EMV chip card-capable iCMP credit card reader. The Ingenico iCMP also accepts traditional magnetic stripe credit cards...