Shopify POS end of day

Cash register settingsIf you're using Shopify POS with retail package, you can set your register preferences on the Register settings screen:- On your iPad, go to the Shopify POS Settings screen.
- Tap Register to view the register settings:
- Tap the toggle buttons to enable or disable the following options:
- Open/Close Shifts
This feature enables you to check your takings on a regular basis. Use it to track sales totals for each payment type, and check the cash in your cash drawer.
- Cash Tracking
This feature allows you to track your cash float on a per-shift basis. You won't see this option if Open/Close Shifts is disabled.
The Register Shifts screen
The Register Shifts screen enables you to create and track register shifts in your store. You can keep track of your daily total sales and refunds for each payment method, as well as all the cash in your cash drawer.To open the Shopify POS app Register Shifts screen on your iPad:- Tap the main menu button (three horizontal blue lines) at the top-left of the screen:If you can't see the main menu button, tap Start new order first.
- When the menu buttons appear, click Register to access the Register Shifts screen:
If you don't see the Register button, you need to enable the Open/Close Shifts option in your register settings.Open a new register shift
You can create a Shopify POS register shift in either of two ways:Opening a register shift manuallyTip
You can have only one register shift open at a time on each iPad.If you create a new register shift manually, you'll be able to enter a value for your cash float. The cash float is the amount of money initially provided in the cash register so that staff can make change for cash payments.To open a new register shift manually:- On your iPad, go to the Shopify POS app Register Shifts screen.
- Tap the + button:
- The Open Shift dialog opens. If you have cash tracking enabled in your register settings, you'll see a field for the Float Amount. Enter the value of your cash float:
- Enter a note, if necessary.
- Tap Done. The register shift will stay open until you manually close it:
Opening register shifts automaticallyIf you've closed a register shift and you don't open another before processing the next order, Shopify opens a new register shift automatically.
- Open/Close Shifts This feature enables you to check your takings on a regular basis. Use it to track sales totals for each payment type, and check the cash in your cash drawer.
- Cash Tracking This feature allows you to track your cash float on a per-shift basis. You won't see this option if Open/Close Shifts is disabled.

- Tap the main menu button (three horizontal blue lines) at the top-left of the screen:If you can't see the main menu button, tap Start new order first.
- When the menu buttons appear, click Register to access the Register Shifts screen: